+91 22-28663984/8586/87/88
Riddhi Vinayak MultiSpeciality Hospital,Near Railway Carshed Yeshwant Gaurav Road,
Nallasopara (W), Maharashtra 401203.
Though Extra corporeal Memrane Oxygenaion (ECMO) under extended cardopulmonary bypass for post op paediatric cardiacsurgery cases is in practise in our country since 1990 onwards, but application of ECMO outside the corridors of Operation theatres into ICU for medical indications for transient but reversible cardiorespiratory failures were applied by Riddhivinayak Critical Care and Cardiac Centre, Mumbai. Efforts to understand and learn Ecmo were started as early as 2006 but the understanding ECMOISM was gradually achieved with a good success during swine flu epidemic in India in 2009. Thus, we came with a idea to promote and teach the science of ECMO to our fellow men.
2010 – The birthyear of ECMO SOCIETY OF INDIA (ESOI) .
27 th & 28th November 2010 – This was the first ever national conference of ECMO in India held at Hotel Holiday Inn in Mumbai under the auspicies of ECMO SOCIETY OF INDIA. Over 125 delegates attended the conference from all over India ahd there was a great interest and enthusiasm shown for promoting this application of science to critical care management.